Where Do We Stand in the World of Higher Education?

To take this research stance, we are willing to train our faculty and to set up collaborations with research labs from universities and top tier higher education institutions. We are positive much innovation and knowledge will arise from the implementation of cross-disciplinary teams where the creativity and innovation ability dear to design projects will collide.

Publishing the research journal of L’École de design, CADI

An editorial and academic adventure


Our research activities on the international scene mainly rely on our Director’s and faculty’s participation in symposiums, conferences and publications all over the world. Our institution takes an active part in organizing research seminars and publishing research-oriented documents.

A bilingual French-English research journal, CADI, was co-founded in 2008 by the International Development Department and the Direction of Studies (editorial coordination by Frédéric Degouzon, Jocelyne Le Bœuf and Morgane Saysana, translation by Morgane Saysana).

To this day three issues have been published and widely distributed among the Cumulus network. Two of these issues are collections of interviews with experts who supervised our fifth-year students. They bring to the fore the virtuous, fruit-bearing interactions between design and sciences: human sciences and engineering sciences.

- CADI, 2008, Experience Design, articles by David Bihanic, PhD in arts and design, Paris 1 University (La Sorbonne), researcher at the laboratoire d’Esthétique théorique et appliquée, Project studio director at Les Ateliers-Paris Design Institute and Yann Le Guennec, digital artist, head of the research unit in Virtual Reality.

- CADI 2009, Knowledge Transfer(s) 1, interviews with Frédéric Kaplan, researcher in artificial intelligence at the Ecole polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Marie-Thérèse Neuilly, researcher in sociology and psycho-sociology, Annie Hubert, anthropologist, Pascale Gauthier, researcher in pharmaceutics, Bruno Bachimont, Head of the scientific department of the INA (French National Audiovisual Institute).

- CADI 2010, Knowledge Transfer(s) 2, interviews with Laurence Nigay, researcher in man-machine interfaces, Stephen Boucher, consultant for the think tank “Notre Europe,” Henri Samier, Associate Professor at ISTIA, University of Angers, Céline Gallen, researcher in marketing at IAE IEMN, University of Nantes who is now a member of our research group on new eating habits.


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