“Tools that are designed to make intelligible something alive, the life of the network.” Interview of Hugues AUBIN, ICT Project Manager, City of Rennes (France)

ICT Project Manager for the City of Rennes

1993: H. Aubin cut his teeth working in the field of local Telematics (also known as ICT) and the web, first within not-for-profit organizations followed by private companies, and, lastly, for local authorities. Since 2004, he has been working as Project Manager for local authorities of the city of Rennes (Brittany, Western France) with a focus on website deployment, multimedia solutions and information-oriented extranet sites all the while conducting a variety of experimental initiatives based on the notion of “mixed” territories with a view to thinking up convenient services for the local population. H. Aubin’s duties are centered on trend monitoring, experimenting with local residents and bringing ICT to local authorities as a management tool (e-administration). In addition, he has collaborated with a number of national networks (Villes internet, Apronet, groupe cyberterritoire, Avicca, DIACT, Fing, etc.).

On the professional front, he co-founded Rencontres du Net public breton (a large Brittany-based Internet-oriented event), Etés TIC de Bretagne (a regional summertime ICT-led event) and Rencontres Nationales de la communication publique (a nationwide event dedicated to new technologies).

He is also very involved on the extra-curricular front, including the co-founding of the French metaverse library and the cyber-territory Metalab3D (in collaboration with Loïc Hay). In his spare time, Hugues Aubin is fond of mashups, and  experiments with digital devices (mixed reality, SMS wall, open source hardware, etc.).

His main publications include: Territoires et cyberespaces en 2030 (co-authored with Pierre Musso), Territoires, création et développement sociétal: pour une logique de la contribution (co-authored with F. Cormerais) and Communication publique et incertitude (co-authored with Maryse Carmes, Loïc Hay et al.).

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