Hughes Aubin is an tireless digital innovator, observing the impact of digital technologies on the society for years now. He mentored the project Identiscoop developed by Edouard Durand as final thesis work, a mobile application for a better control over one’s online digital identity. Hughes shares his reflection and experience, about extimacy or the subtle frontiers between what we hide, transform or exhibit from ourselves while being online…
Interview made by Grégoire Cliquet, course leader for the Virtual Reality Master’s program and head of the READi Design Lab, in october 2010.

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Tags: Interviews · virtual reality
Sébastien Genvo is an expert in game design who has tenure as an Assistant Professor at Paul Verlaine University in Metz (France). Here are his anwers to a bunch of questions asked by Thierry Lehmann, Head of the research unit in Tangible Interfaces of L’École de design Nantes Atlantique. Their conversation is centered on augmented reality and vidéo games seen as means of expression and of questionign reality. Thierry Lehmann introduces us to Immersive Rail Shooter an application developed as part of a final degree project by David Arenou, with the keen support of his tutor, Sébastien Genvo. IRS was awarded several prizes at most renowned Japanese competitions IVRC and Siggraph 2010.

Sébastien Genvo, Assistant Professor at the University Paul Verlaine in Metz (France) - game design expert
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Tags: Interviews · tangible interfaces