Sébastien Genvo is an expert in game design who has tenure as an Assistant Professor at Paul Verlaine University in Metz (France). Here are his anwers to a bunch of questions asked by Thierry Lehmann, Head of the research unit in Tangible Interfaces of L’École de design Nantes Atlantique. Their conversation is centered on augmented reality and vidéo games seen as means of expression and of questionign reality. Thierry Lehmann introduces us to Immersive Rail Shooter an application developed as part of a final degree project by David Arenou, with the keen support of his tutor, Sébastien Genvo. IRS was awarded several prizes at most renowned Japanese competitions IVRC and Siggraph 2010.

Sébastien Genvo, Assistant Professor at the University Paul Verlaine in Metz (France) - game design expert
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Tags: Interviews · tangible interfaces
Interview with Thomas Bottini, researcher in computer science for music
“Knowledge Transfer(s): the interviews
Since 2008, CADI has investigated the field of knowledge transfer by interviewing experts who agreed to supervize fifth-year students in carrying out their final degree projects. This is an effort to build up a corpus of testimonies to come to a better understanding of the collaborative and representative methods resorted to by innovation and creation players, taking into account economic, cultural and evrironmental trends. In March 2010, we evolved the print issues into an electronic…
Thomas Bottini holds a degree in computer engineering from the Technological University of Compiègne (France). In parallel to his engineering training, he studied human sciences and the philosophy of artistic creation-related content. His current research into creating tools for the advanced reading and writing of multimedia documents demonstrates his keen interest in studying the relationship between digital technology and artistic creation. To further study this link, he has worked in collaboration with musicologists from the IRCAM (French institute of research and musical/acoustic coordination) to develop as a cross-disciplinary team a multimedia environment dedicated to musical analysis. In 2006 he created a tool to help organize musical analysis in tables (Musique Lab Annotation).

MUE - Auréien Pasquier's final degree project carried out with the help of Thomas Bottini, 2008-2009
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Tags: Interviews · tangible interfaces